
We are organizing 2 training sessions with Yellow Research on Monday, June 19th, 2017 at Bar Ilan University. Both sessions will give an overview of the program and tips for writing successful proposals.

Guest speaker: Lotte Jaspers from Yellow Research (Holland)

Session 1:

9:00 – 10:15    H2020 Innovative Training Networks

Session 2:

10:30 – 12:00    ERC funding opportunities

Location: Research Authority, Conference Room, room no. 102

What are the ERC Grants?

  • Starting Grants – for top researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience after their PhD; Award maximum €2 million for 5 years
  • Consolidator Grants - Support top researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience after their PhD; Award maximum €2.75 million for 5 years
  • Advanced Grants - Open to excellent established researchers who have a recent research track-record which identifies them as leaders in their respective field of research; Award maximum €3.5 million for 5 years

What are Innovative Training Networks (ITNs)?

  • ITNs bring together universities, research centers and companies from different countries worldwide to train a new generation of doctoral students. The funding boosts scientific excellence and business innovation, and enhances researchers’ career prospects through developing their skills in entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

If you're interested in a one-on-one meeting with Lotte on June 18th or 19th, please contact Estelle Waise  and I'll schedule a meeting for you.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions: gr.fpinfo@biu.ac.il.


For more information:

Estelle Waise
Email:  gr.fpinfo@biu.ac.il
Phone:  +9723-531-7439
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