On June 7-8, 2017 we will be holding Nature MasterClass workshops at Bar llan University.
June 7: Full day workshop for researchers from Physical Sciences including Nanotechnology and Material Sciences
June 8: Full day workshop for researchers from Life sciences and Medicine
These workshops will be delivered by Nature journal editors specialised in your area of research. The workshops are intended for more experienced authors and will provide a unique overview of the publishing process at highly selective journals. The editors will share their expert insight into what makes an exemplary paper and will discuss how participants can improve their scientific writing skills to create a polished manuscript ready for publication. In place of a ‘live edit’, the editors will carry out an abstract review of each participant’s work.
Each workshop is limited to 25 researchers, so if you are planning on attending please reply here emphasizing your name, department and workshop date.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Estelle Waise: gr.fpinfo@biu.ac.il
Phone: +97235317439Natalie Gordon: natalia.gordon@biu.ac.il
We are pleased to welcome back Lotte Jaspers from Yellow Research for another ERC Training Session with helpful tips for writing successful proposals.
Date: Sunday, May 22, 2016
Registration: 08:30 – 9:00 am
ERC Session: 09:00 – 10:30 am
Location: Nanotechnology Building 206, Hall C50, Entrance Level
European Research Council (ERC) grants support individual researchers of any nationality and age who wish to pursue their frontier research. The ERC encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields and applications that introduce unconventional, innovative approaches.
Lotte will be speaking about the 3 different types of ERC Grants:
• Starting Grants – for top researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience after their PhD; Award maximum €2 million for 5 years
• Consolidator Grants - Support top researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience after their PhD; Award maximum €2.75 million for 5 years
• Advanced Grants - Open to excellent established researchers who have a recent research track-record which identifies them as leaders in their respective field of research; Award maximum €3.5 million for 5 years
If you would like to participate in this event, please click here, and submit your reply no later than May 10, 2016.
European Research Council (ERC) grants support individual researchers of any nationality and age who wish to pursue their frontier research. The ERC encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields and applications that introduce unconventional, innovative approaches.
Lotte will be speaking about the 3 different types of ERC Grant:
Due to the overwhelming success of the previous H2020 training event at Bar Ilan University, we are pleased to welcome back Lotte Jaspers, for a second H2020 Training Day Workshop.
Topics to be covered include:
Call Analysis: how to read, understand and dissect a call for proposal in order to define the proposal objectives, the partners required, and expected impact of the proposal;
Proposal drafting: how to draft a winning proposal and develop a robust project; planning and budgeting; defining the Work Package Structure, specifying tasks and roles;
Partnership building and consortium management
Lotte Jaspers is a partner at Yellow Research with extensive experience in running EU workshops, conducting pre-submission review of EU projects, and working as an invited expert for the EC.
The Research Authority is organizing a two-part Session about the Regular BSF & the NSF-BSF Environmental Biology Grant Programs:
Date: Wednesday, September 6th, 2017
Time: BSF-NSF: 10:00
BSF Regular Program: 11:15
Location: Beck Auditorium, Bar-Ilan University
Guest Speaker: Dr. Mathew Kane, Program Director of the NSF Ecosystem Science Cluster. In the first part of this session, Dr. Kane will discuss practical aspects of the joint NSF-BSF submission, emphasize differences from other NSF submissions and highlight pitfalls that BIU applicants can avoid in their joint applications. In the second part of this session, BSF Program Managers will describe the BSF Regular Program. This coming November, the BSF Regular Program will accept proposals in the following broad areas: Biomedical Engineering; Health Sciences; Life Sciences (including Ecology & Marine Biology); and Psychobiology.If you would like to participate in this event, please click here
For more information, contact Yasmin Shenhav: yasmin.shenhav@biu.ac.il
We are organizing an info session on H2020 research funding opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities on September 5th, 2017 at 15:00-16:00 at Feldman International Conference Center, WEISFELD Hall (Build. # 301), Bar Ilan University with Dr Sylvie ROHANOVÁ, Policy Officer - Humanities dimension in Europe and internationally / H2020 SC6 Call Coordinator (B6).
This session will include a brief intro on Horizon 2020 and focus on:
· Horizon 2020 Calls relevant to researchers from Social Sciences and the Humanities
· Discussion of the upcoming calls for proposal
If you are interested in participating, please reply here.
If you're interested in a one-on-one meeting with Sylvie ROHANOVÁ after the session, please let me know and I'll schedule a meeting for you.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions: gr.fpinfo@biu.ac.il or natalia.gordon@biu.ac.il.
The Research Authority is organizing a session about NSF-BSF Computing and Communication Foundations sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) in partnership with the BSF.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jack S.Snoeyink.
Dr. Snoeyink is the Program Director of the Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (CISE/CCF) of the NSF.
Dr. Snoeyink will discuss the practical aspects of the joint submission, emphasizing the differences from other submissions and point out possible pitfalls in the NSF applications. Dr. Snoeyink be able to answer questions regarding the BSF-NSF program.
If you would like to participate in this event, please click here
For more information, contact Yasmin Shenhav yasmin.shenhav@biu.ac.il
We are organizing 2 training sessions with Yellow Research on Monday, June 19th, 2017 at Bar Ilan University. Both sessions will give an overview of the program and tips for writing successful proposals.
Guest speaker: Lotte Jaspers from Yellow Research (Holland)
Session 1:
9:00 – 10:15 H2020 Innovative Training Networks
Session 2:
10:30 – 12:00 ERC funding opportunities
Location: Research Authority, Conference Room, room no. 102
What are the ERC Grants?
What are Innovative Training Networks (ITNs)?
If you're interested in a one-on-one meeting with Lotte on June 18th or 19th, please contact Estelle Waise and I'll schedule a meeting for you.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions: gr.fpinfo@biu.ac.il.
We are pleased to welcome back Lotte Jaspers from Yellow Research for another ERC Training Session with helpful tips for writing successful proposals.
Date: Monday, 01 AUGUST, 2016
Registration: 08:30 – 9:00 am
ERC Session: 09:00 – 10:30 am
Location: BECK Auditorium
European Research Council (ERC) grants support individual researchers of any nationality and age who wish to pursue their frontier research. The ERC encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields and applications that introduce unconventional, innovative approaches.
Lotte will be speaking about the 3 different types of ERC Grants:
• Starting Grants – for top researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience after their PhD; Award maximum €2 million for 5 years
• Consolidator Grants - Support top researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience after their PhD; Award maximum €2.75 million for 5 years
• Advanced Grants - Open to excellent established researchers who have a recent research track-record which identifies them as leaders in their respective field of research; Award maximum €3.5 million for 5 years
If you would like to participate in this event, please click here, and submit your reply no later than July 20, 2016.
For more information, contact Estelle Waise at fpinfo@biu.ac.il
Please note that the seminar will take place here at Bar-Ilan on Monday, 19 September. Please register by return mail no later than Tuesday, 13 Sept.
Prof. Linda Hyman, Director of the NSF Division of MCB, will conduct a seminar at Bar-Ilan on Monday, 19 Sept. Prof. Hyman will discuss the MCB program, & she will address the issue of how to increase the success rate of joint NSF-Israel proposals. (In the most recent funding cycle, the NSF-Israel success rate was low.) Prof. Hyman will also set aside time to meet individually with BIU researchers.
Seminar: Beck Auditorium, 14:00 to 15:30
Individual Meetings: Research Authority, 15:40 to 17:00
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