
  • HORIZON 2020-מפגש למדעי הרוח והחברה

    We are pleased to invite you to an info session on H2020 research funding opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities

    We are pleased to invite you to an info session on H2020 research funding opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities
    We are organizing an info session on H2020 research funding opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities on September 5th, 2017 at 15:00-16:00 at Feldman International Conference Center, WEISFELD Hall (Build. # 301), Bar Ilan University with Dr Sylvie ROHANOVÁ, Policy Officer - Humanities dimension in Europe and internationally / H2020 SC6 Call Coordinator (B6).   This session will include a brief intro on Horizon 2020 and focus on: ·        Horizon 2020 Calls relevant to researchers from Social Sciences and the Humanities ·        Discussion of the upcoming calls for proposal   If you are interested in participating, please reply here.   If you're interested in a one-on-one meeting with  Sylvie ROHANOVÁ after the session, please let me know and I'll schedule a meeting for you.   Feel free to contact us if you have any questions: gr.fpinfo@biu.ac.il  or natalia.gordon@biu.ac.il.